FAIR VALUES - la boutique di Natale di CBM Italia Onlus

Grande successo per l’iniziativa FAIR VALUES CHRISTMAS EDITION, promossa da CBM Italia Onlus in occasione delle festività natalizie a cui hanno aderito numerose aziende del settore design, moda, arte e beauty tra cui Iris Ceramica Group.

FAIR VALUES - la boutique di Natale di CBM Italia Onlus

CBM Italia Onlus’s FAIR VALUES CHRISTMAS EDITION has been a resounding success.
The initiative promoted by the non-profit organization during Christmas festivities was supported by many companies in the design, fashion, art and beauty sectors including Iris Ceramica Group.

The pop-up solidarity boutique in Casa Lago, Milan offered the opportunity to purchase exclusive Christmas gifts donated by CBM partners, to support their “Let’s stop blindness. Together it’s possible” campaign.

On this occasion, Iris Ceramica Group donated customized furnishing accessories, coffee tables and consoles designed by our in-house R & D Department, all made with the Company’s best-selling surfaces.

The sale raised over €22,000, an important milestone which will help save the sight of children, women and men in Africa, Asia and Latin America.